What are the Benefits and Drawbacks of a Low Carbohydrate Diet?


Why are carbohydrates needed in the body?

Carbohydrates produce around 47% of the bodies everyday energy, this is needed to keep a high metabolism, different types of carbohydrates in the body aid different functions. Polysaccharides, Monosaccharides and Disaccharides, these are foods such as pasta, porridge, crisps and noodles.

A low carbohydrate diet involves limiting the amount of carbohydrates that enter the body. There are many benefits and drawbacks of maintaining this kind of diet, the most famous low carbohydrate diet is the Atkins diet. (Barasi, 2007)
-This diet involves rapid loss of glycogen which results in the loss of water leading to a process called Ketosis. ‘Whats ketosis?’  Well…
-Ketosis is when ketone levels in the blood have been raised, these are formed when glycogen runs out in the liver. Symptoms of ketosis include bad breath, dehydration and nausea. (Nordqvist, N, 2010)

–  The low intake of carbohydrates means vitamin and minerals are lacking also, supplements will need to be taken if this is the case (which is in most cases) otherwise, it will result in deficiency and will have anorexic effects as the diet will be high in protein and less in vitamins e.g. A, B1, B2 and B12. (Nordqvist, N, 2010) VITAMIN A

‘It’s not all bad news!’

–  There are many benefits of a low carbohydrate diet, as it allows you to lose weight quick, the low carbohydrate diet is usually used to treat obesity along with other chronic illnesses, like cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

–  The ‘Journal of English Medicine’ underwent some tests, to try out the low carbohydrate diet against the other diets out there, e.g. high protein diet, high- fat diet and low- calorie diet. This resulted in 63 people having a restricted calorie intake for 12 months. The results showed that people on the low carb diet lost a significant amount of weight just after three months, this also improved blood levels- by looking at this test we can see that the low carbohydrate does have its benefits as it is quick and effective in a short space of time. (Foster D G, 2003)

There are many more diets that allow you to benefit the joys of losing weight. However, a low carb diet isn’t the right way forward! Allowing you enough of the correct minerals and vitamins would be enough to maintain a healthy diet.